Monthly Archives: July 2014

Trail running in Romania

By |2018-06-04T19:26:12+00:00July 10th, 2014|Mountains, Nature, Photography, Sport|

Trail running in Romania Retezat Trail Race 2014  ….   a story about mountains and trail running, a story about smiles  Beginnings….. I remember even now - I was seven years old, my father and I had left only for a while from Pestera Cottage (Bucegi Mounatins, Romania) and we were [...]

Authentic Romania

By |2018-06-04T19:26:12+00:00July 1st, 2014|Bucharest, Culture, Festivals, Mountains, Music, Nature, Photography, Traditions, Villages|

Authentic Romania – 4000 years of history "It’s the timelessness of it which is so remarkable, almost out of some of those stories one used to read as a child.",  Charles, Prince of Wales. This is Authentic Romania. Ask a Romanian which knows the Romanian history and has travelled a bit around the country about [...]

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