
Sanziene celebration or how people still believe in magical practices

By |2018-06-04T19:26:05+00:00February 9th, 2015|Culture, Festivals, Nature, Traditions, Villages|

Sanziene celebration or how people still believe in magical practices Sanziene, the magical celebration, the beginning of summer Sanziene is celebrated in Romania every year on 24th of June. Although it is associated with the Birth of Saint John the Baptist, Sanziene is a pagan celebration which origins in an [...]

Life is about moments – traditional Romanian wedding in Bucovina

By |2018-06-04T19:26:14+00:00February 14th, 2014|Culture, Photography, Traditions, Villages|

Traditional wedding in Bucovina (Northern Romania) Life is about moments! When you look back on your life you will see moments linked together in beautiful stories. The sad thing about them is that they are time limited, usually very short, and so is the happiness that they offer [...]

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